Breathing... This process, which seems so simple and which very few people ever think about, is actually the first link in a miracle... Every cell in our bodies needs the oxygen provided by breathing... Let us now have a close look at this flawless mechanism which goes into action at birth and never stops as long as we live. It is an interesting movie on the miracle of respiration by Harun Yahya. Let us watch it…
Not only do insects possess perfect flight or exceedingly complex visual systems; when examined individually, insects also display organs and systems, each of which is a marvel of creation. Scientists who recently investigated the feet of the ant encountered not only a perfect creation that could inspire robot manufacturers.
Why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man or woman in the graveyard for, as we are jokingly told, "He who dies with the most toys wins?" No, there must be more to life than that, so let's think about this. To begin with, look around you.
Birds have always existed as birds, and dinosaurs always existed as dinosaurs. You can examine the 125-million-year-old LIAONINGORNIS fossil and the 120-million-year-old CONFUCIUSORNIS fossil as the clearest evidence of this on the web site.
In this film we shall be investigating the universe's smallest building block, the atom. The atom, which sometimes appears as the title of a rather boring subject in textbooks, actually contains very important truths, as well as providing us with important evidence of the existence of God. Join us to see this interesting movie by Harun Yahya…
In any action Muslims must be driven by good intentions, especially when dealing with advising or criticizing the leader of the state. Each Muslim has the full right to advise and criticize anyone, no matter what his position is. However it is important for the advisor to possess a comprehensive [...]
Throughout the ages, we’ve heard the resonant principles of freedom and democracy as fundamental human rights. Is Islam incompatible with such rights and freedoms? From what perspective should Islam be compared to any political, social or economic systems?
Noam Chomsky Al-Ahram Weekly, November 18-24, 2004 “Since the issue of Palestinian national rights in a Palestinian state reached the agenda of diplomacy in the mid-1970s, ‘the prime obstacle to its realization’, unambiguously, has been the United States government, with the Times staking a claim to be second on the [...]
Throughout the ages, we’ve heard the resonant principles of freedom and democracy as fundamental human rights. Is Islam incompatible with such rights and freedoms? From what perspective should Islam be compared to any political, social or economic systems?
There are four approaches to elect the Leader in Islamic law, which are: 1) To be directly elected by the whole/majority of the people or by certain elected representatives of the whole people. For example the election of the first and fourth Caliphs Abu Bakr and Ali (may God be [...]
Murder is indeed a heinous crime that is naturally rejected by all humans. Almighty Allah threatens the murderer with a painful punishment in the hereafter, unless he or she sincerely repents. In this video, Sheikh `Abdur-Rahim Green speaks about this major sin and the system of retribution in Islam.
As we eagerly anticipate the beginning of the Blessed Month of Ramadan, the staff of Zaytuna Institute wishes all of our volunteers, friends, and supporters an accepted and purifying fast.
Why do Muslims perform Hajj? What is the ultimate goal of Hajj? How should Muslims attain the blessings of Hajj? What are the spiritual benefits of Hajj?
This year's reflections will be on the lives of scholars. Living up to the objectives of fasting requires that we be in the Company of the Righteous. This is where the title of the series comes from. Sheikh Ahmed Saad has chosen ten great scholars each of whom is known as an icon of a specific science. In this episode, Sheikh Ahmed Saad looks into the life of Ibn Al-Jazari.
As the sound of the Adhan is heard throughout the world, Muslims stop and turn to the Lord, thanking Him, remembering Him, bowing down to him in prayer.