English - Yusuf Ali

Surah Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent ) - Aya count 44
The Unbelievers, the which there is none to ward off,-
(A Penalty) from Allah, Lord of the Ways of Ascent.
Therefore do thou hold Patience,- a Patience of beautiful (contentment).
They see the (Day) indeed as a far-off (event):
Though they will be put in sight of each other,- the sinner's desire will be: Would that he could redeem himself from the Penalty of that Day by (sacrificing) his children,
By no means! for it would be the Fire of Hell!-
Plucking out (his being) right to the skull!-
Inviting (all) such as turn their backs and turn away their faces (from the Right).
And collect (wealth) and hide it (from use)!
For the (needy) who asks and him who is prevented (for some reason from asking);
For their Lord's displeasure is the opposite of Peace and Tranquillity;-
Now what is the matter with the Unbelievers that they rush madly before thee-
By no means! For We have created them out of the (base matter) they know!
So leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about, until they encounter that Day of theirs which they have been promised!-
The Day whereon they will issue from their sepulchres in sudden haste as if they were rushing to a goal-post (fixed for them),-