The truth of the second law of thermodynamics, or the law of entropy, has been experimentally and theoretically established. All foremost scientists agree that the law of entropy will remain the principle paradigm for the foreseeable future. Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of our age, described it as the “premier law of all of science.” Sir Arthur Eddington also referred to it as the “supreme metaphysical law of the entire universe...
This article tackles the theory of evolution in light of the recent discovery of the fossil that was discovered by the French scientist Michel Brunet and which was given the name Sahelanthropus tchadensis. What is interesting about this fossil is that although it is 7 million years old, it has a more "human-like" structure than the 5 million-year-old Australopithecus ape species that is alleged to be "mankind's oldest ancestor."
This documentary presents an aspect of the theory of evolution that has so far remained hidden. It unveils the ideological links between Darwinism and the totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism. You will see the fruits of Darwinism in the killing fields of Hitler, Stalin or Mao.
You will witness the sublime knowledge with which such engineering structures were created and thus see the proofs of Allah's flawless Creation. Join us to watch this interesting video by Harun Yahya on the engineering in nature.
Regardless of the fact that the Darwinist religion is merely a product of demagoguery, it has come to occupy an influential position in people's minds. They are not able to question it because it is forbidden to ask questions; this religion demands unconditional faith.
One of the greatest miracles on Earth is taking place at this very moment. Various images are appearing on the screen, and perceptions such as color, life, closeness, distance, depth, beauty and lovableness are forming somewhere in the pitch dark in your brain. That is because you are seeing... Whatever you have in your life is meaningful through your senses—vision and others. Your family, your house, your office, your friends and everything else in your surroundings, you quickly identify thanks to your vision.
30 Facts About Islam 1) “Islam” literally means “to achieve peace through the submission to the One Almighty God”. 2) “Muslim” literally means “anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God”. 3) Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Islam is the [...]
Islam is a way of life and provides a complete guide for human existence on this Earth to the betterment of man and looks forward to the Hereafter. In His infinite Love and Compassion for us, God Almighty has shown us the way to attain His mercy and the salvation [...]
30 Facts About Islam 1) “Islam” literally means “to achieve peace through the submission to the One Almighty God”. 2) “Muslim” literally means “anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God”. 3) Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Islam is the [...]
Are we free to choose with our sense and reason or is it all confined to the will of the Creator? On the dignity of humans what does God say? Where does mankind stand in Islam?
This year's reflections will be on the lives of scholars. Living up to the objectives of fasting requires that we be in the Company of the Righteous. This is where the title of the series comes from. Sheikh Ahmed Saad has chosen ten great scholars each of whom is known as an icon of a specific science. In this episode, Sheikh Ahmed Saad looks into the life of Ibn Khaldun.
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Muslims who are able, physically and financially, should make that journey once in a lifetime. Hajj can be a symbolic representation of what awaits us on the Day of Judgment when all creatures shall be gathered together. Watch this video for more reflections by Sheikh Waleed `Abdul-Kareem.
The noble Qur'an teaches us that there is no compulsion in religion. Does the punishment for apostasy conflict with this Qur'anic principle? What about drinking alcohol? Is it prohibited, and why? Watch this video and listen to Dr. Bilal Philips' answers…
Ever since she was a child, Aisha had dreamed of going for Hajj. Even though her family was very poor, it never stopped her from dreaming and hoping that one day she would have the wonderful opportunity to go on this blessed journey.
In Ramadan Reminder Day 4, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on the concept of Islamic brotherhood & Unity in the Muslim Ummah as reflected in Surat Aal `Imran.
Islam is built on five main pillars. Prayer stands as the second pillar after declaring the testimony of faith. Prayer is about the establishment of a close relationship with our Creator, Allah.
What should you do if you make a mistake during the prayer or if you are not certain of how many rak`ahs you have performed? Should you repeat the prayer or should you make up the missed part by performing sujud al-sahw (two prostrations of forgetfulness)? Should sujud al-sahw be done before or after ending the prayer? Watch this final episode of the Prophet's prayer by Dr. Muhammad Salah to know the answer to these questions.
Five times a day from hundreds of thousands of mosques and places of worship throughout the world the Adhan (call to prayer) is heard …what for? What does it call people for?
In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of the sitting of the tashahhud, moving the finger while reciting tashahhud, the difference between the sitting of the middle tashahhud and the sitting of the last tashahhud, the du`aa' to be recited after tashahhud, and the dhikr after finishing the prayer.