Jamaal Zarabozo

شروط لا إله إلا الله ( إنجليزي )

شروط لا إله إلا الله: لكلمة التوحيد شروط يجب تحقيقها والعمل بها وبمقتضاها، وفي هذا الكتاب يبين المؤلف شروط كلمة لا إله إلا الله التي تنفع صاحبها في الدنيا والآخرة.

Jamaal Zarabozo

Al-Basheer Magazine

Conditions of Laa Ilaaha ill-Allah

The Nine Conditions of the Testimony of Faith.

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محمد بن عبدالوهاب، حياته، تعاليمه، و تأثيره ( إنجليزي )

محمد بن عبدالوهاب، حياته، تعاليمه، و تأثيره: كتاب من 396 صفحة، ولا يعنى بالسياسة و لا تفضيل نظام عن آخر، إنما يعنى ببيان حقيقة الإسلام كما دعى إليه النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم، ثم العناية بحق أحد علماء المسلمين الشيخ محمد بن عبدالوهاب رحمه الله.

Jamaal Zarabozo

Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da‘wah and Guidance

The Life, Teachings and Influence of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab

The Life, Teachings and Influence of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab: This book is not one with a political agenda. It is meant neither to support nor to critique any contemporary regimes or policies. Indeed, the driving force behind this work is much greater and more important than that. It has to do with, first, the religion of Islam as preached by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself and, second, with the honor and rights of an individual Muslim, Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab.

ما هو الإسلام؟ ( إنجليزي )

ما هو الإسلام؟: هذا الكتاب يناسب غير المسلمين، وهو يعطي معلومات عن الإسلام والمسلمين وبعض الإعجازات العلمية التي ثبتت في الكتاب والسنة.

Jamaal Zarabozo

Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da‘wah and Guidance

What is Islam?

ًWhat is Islam?: This book explains basic introduction to the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Islamic faith. An attempt has been made to be as concise as possible, but with the hope that the reader will be encouraged to study Islam in more depth.

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الربا وأثره على الحياة والاقتصاد ( إنجليزي )

مجموعة مقالات تحتوي على الكلام حول الربا في الإسلام وأثره على الحياة والاقتصاد، وقد اشتملت على العناصر التالية: 1- مقدمة ومدخل. 2- موقف الإسلام من الربا. 3- موقف الدين والمفكرين الأوائل. 4- من التحريم إلى التبرير. 5- نظريات وتفسيرات. 6- عواقب الربا. 7- الحل الإسلامي.

Jamaal Zarabozo

A website Islam Religion www.islamreligion.com

Interest and Its Role in Economy and Life

An article explains why the Muslims abide by the prohibition of usury while the Jewish and Christian secularists are calling to to affirm it. A glimpse at some texts from the Quran and the Sunnah which severely warn against the taking of interest. Interest and Usury in the Bible (Judaism and Christianity) and according to early thinkers. An article explains how something so despised such as interest could be justified and even institutionalized as a standard. The various ways in which thinkers in the past have tried to conjure explanations for the existence of interest. The various ways in which interest has harmed society. The devastating ills of interest on an international level. An Islamic solution to the interest model, and how economy can still thrive without interest.

معجزة القرآن ( إنجليزي )

المقالة الأولى عبارة عن مدخل للتعريف برسولنا الحبيب وبالقرآن الكريم، وفيها أيضًا يعقد المؤلف مقارنة بين القرآن وأقوال المستشرقين عنه. يؤكد المؤلف في المقالة الثالثة أنه لكي نسلم بصحة ديانة معينة فيجب أن تكون كلها من عند الله تعالى، وألا يكون أصلها فقط من الله، ثم تطرق إليها التحريف بأيدي علمائها. ويؤكد المؤلف في المقالتين ...

Jamaal Zarabozo

A website Islam Religion www.islamreligion.com

The Miraculous Quran

The first and second articles are an introduction for the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and make comparison between the Quran’s content and the orientalists’ sayings about it. The third explains that in order for a religion to be true, it must be from God in a total sense and not only in its origin then the scholars distort it. The fourth and fifth mention one of the unique qualities of the Quran which is its detailed preservation, a fact which makes it much different than all other religions, confirm that the Quran itself contains proofs for its truth and requires no “leap of faith” in order to believe it, and take a look at the accusation that Muhammad borrowed or stole the Quran from other religions, particularly the Christianity and the Judaism. The sixth and seventh mention the depictions of God and the Prophets in the Quran vs. the Bible and the Talmud and explain the comprehensiveness, completeness, balance and practicality of the legislation of the Quran. The eighth shows the Quran's effect on the generation of the Prophet and the next generations to the extent that it made them leaders of the world to guide people to the straight path. The ninth mentions a unique prophecy which dealt with events completely out of the control of the Prophet or the Arabs that the Byzantine kingdom will defeat the Persian Kingdom within three to nine years. The tenth takes a look at some of the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran which modern scientists, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, affirm as true. Finally, the eleventh shows the linguistic miracle of the Quran and refers that Allah challenged the disbelievers of Makkah to compile a book like the Quran but they failed. The challenge got into very simple standard i.e. to compile a Surah (Chapter) looks like any of its Surahs but they also failed.

دليل المسلم الجديد ( إنجليزي )

كتاب نهديه لكل مسلم جديد عرف طريقه إلى ربه نبصره ونرشده نعينه ونقومه حتى يظل متمسكاً بدينه قوياً متيناً . كتاب من شيخينا المبجل جمال الدين زارابوزو وضع فيه الخطوط العريضة التي يسير عليها المسلم الجديد وعرفه بمزايا الإسلام وفضله عليه ليتمسك بعراه وبين له بطريقة سهلة جوانب الدين كله من إيمان وإسلام . أورد الشيخ شرحاً سهلاً لأركان ...

Jamaal Zarabozo

A guide for the new Muslim

This is a gift for all the new Muslims who currently know the right path to Allah. This is a means to strength and preserve their belief. In this book Sheikh Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo shows the fruits of becoming a Muslim, the excellent features of Islam and all aspects of Islam. Sheikh Jamaal illustrates the pillars of faith on which one’s belief is based and the pillars of Islam which contain the best practical deeds (e.g. prayer) and the best deeds of the heart i.e. the monotheism. As Islam is a social religion, Sheikh explains the Muslim’s behavior towards all individuals in the society, old or young, whether they embrace Islam or not. Afterwards he puts up some notice about both of the permissible and prohibited financial dealings. He also mentions the factors which increase the one’s belief and help the Muslim to abide by Allah’s commands. He refers to the obstacles (e.g. lust, misconception and ignorance) in the path of the Muslims prevent him from continuing his way to Allah. He also shows the prerequisites of the sincere repentance which is between the person and his God without a mediator. Finally, he gives a word for the new Muslim.