When we go into sujud (prostration), we know that God answers our du`a' (supplication), so we try hard to concentrate. Yet what do we feel when we go into ruku` (bowing)?
Dr. Jamal Badawi explores the significance of prayer in Islam and that it is not a mere ritual but rather a practical way of remembering and worshipping the Creator and doing good.
Performing the prayer is a command of Allah. It is the most important pillar of Islam. It distinguishes between the believers and non-believers. Prayer is not an option; it is obligatory.
Prayer is just one act amongst many acts of worship; it holds a very special place in Islam because of the way it was enjoined. It was not brought down to earth by an Angel rather it was bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad during his unique ascension into the Heavens.
How is praying in congregation different from praying alone? Why do we, Muslims, pray in congregation at all? What are the benefits from it, why? And what are the rewards?
How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How to feel the impact of adhan? How could you make the prayer touch your heart? How does Satan try to distract one from the prayer?
In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of the sitting of the tashahhud, moving the finger while reciting tashahhud, the difference between the sitting of the middle tashahhud and the sitting of the last tashahhud, the du`aa' to be recited after tashahhud, and the dhikr after finishing the prayer.
What should you do if you make a mistake during the prayer or if you are not certain of how many rak`ahs you have performed? Should you repeat the prayer or should you make up the missed part by performing sujud al-sahw (two prostrations of forgetfulness)? Should sujud al-sahw be done before or after ending the prayer? Watch this final episode of the Prophet's prayer by Dr. Muhammad Salah to know the answer to these questions.
Being a matter of quality… how should I perform prayer as required, build up my relationship with God? How could I keep my mind on prayer and be aware of what I’m doing during prayer?